Don Bosco’s Peace Culture – A theory based study of his response to conflicts by Peter Gonsalves


Just when you thought that you knew enough about Don Bosco, here is a new book that presents him in a new perspective: Don Bosco’s Peace culture: A Theory-based Study of his response to conflicts by Peter Gonslaves. Don Bosco is popularly admired and known around the globe as a saint, priest, ‘father, friend and teacher of youth’. In this book the author investigates, perhaps for the first time, the peace traits Don Bosco imbibed and nurtured and the peace culture he displayed. The book is presented in three parts. The first presents Don Bosco’s peace response to twenty conflicts in his own life. The second seeks to expand the popular understanding of peace to embrace the scientifically accepted notion proposed by Johan Galtung, and to test participant perceptions about Don Bosco’s peace traits. The final part explores the personal, social, political, cultural and transcendental aspects of Don Bosco’s peace culture thereby highlighting its universal and ever-relevant applicability.

470 pages, price 750.00 ($15.00) ISBN: 978-88-213-1490-2


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